J a c k D a u l t o n P h o t o g r a p h y

Bio/Artist Statement

Photo of the Month
TRAVELS - North Carolina and the World
Recent Work
Smoke as Art
PhotoGRAPHICS and Surrealism
Photo Impressionism and Abstract
Commissioned Work / Clients
The Art of the Flower
Order Prints
Bio/Artist Statement

"Simplicity and Passion . . ."
Jack Daulton is an award winning photographer living in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains in North Carolina.  Some of his award winning images have been featured in publications such as Outdoor Photographer, American Photo, and B&W magazines.  For 10 years Jack was a regular contributing photographer to North Carolina's Our State magazine and his images appeared on three covers.  His images have also appeared in videos, on notecards, on phone book covers and in other regional publications.
Jack's photographs have been exhibited in various galleries including the Charlotte Museum of History (Charlotte, NC), Hickory Museum of Art (Hickory, NC), Grandfather Mountain Nature Museum (Linville, NC), and through several arts councils and local gallereies in western NC.  Jack was also a partner in the traveling photo/lecture series "Shared Vision" with photographer extraordinaire David Hessell - www.hessell.net.
"For me photography is not about the latest gadget or spending hours in front of a computer.  It's about being in a special place, anyplace, and connecting with whatever God has placed before me - then creating an expression of that experience.  The new technology is amazing but people get so wrapped up in gear and software - these are just tools.  I try to focus on vision and artistry.  It's about simplicity and passion."  -jd 
Jack was also a guest speaker at the 2008 Grandfather Mountain Nature Photography Weekend.  He has presented to photography students and other audiences on various photographic topics including, "Making (not just taking) Photographs", "The Essentials of Creativity", and "The Art of Seeing". 

Artist Statement:


Being a photographer is not a choice, it’s a way of life.  Even without my cameras I am always “seeing”.  I notice the light, see patterns, and create compositions in my mind. 


Photography connects me to the natural world.  It's how I explore other cultures.  It’s why I travel.  People think photography is pointing a camera and pushing a button.  It is so much more than that.  It's a process of exploration and creation… learning and evolving.  Photography enriches my soul. 


It's about discovering rhythm, line, and contrast in reality, then exposing these elements simply and beautifully.  Many ingredients go into my creative process but perhaps the most important is slowing down.  Exploring with my camera becomes a Zen-like experience when time slows and subjects reveal themselves.  See, feel, respond.


Growing as an artist and sharing this passion are important.  Inspired by the serenity and flow of the natural world, I hope to create moods with my photographs; moods that stir emotions and inspire others to explore their own creativity.  -jd


All images (C) 2000-2019

             The question is not what you look at, but
           what you see - Thoreau, 1830